Our Team


Tino Herrera, Senior Pastor

Rev. Tino Herrera is the lead pastor at Trinity and an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church. He loves the day-to-day work of being involved with the people of Trinity and receives joy from helping them recognize the movement of God in their lives. His passion is creating and living into God’s beloved community.

Tino grew up in Norman, Oklahoma. After feeling a call to ministry from his home church, he attended Oklahoma City University in OKC. At OCU he studied religion and dedicated much of his time to full time youth ministry. After graduating, he pursued his MDiv. at Saint Paul School of Theology. During that time, he found the love of his life, Samara, and married in January of 2016. They have one daughter, Samaiyah.

Currently, Tino is working on his doctorate at Wesley Theological Seminary. For fun, Tino loves fishing, reading a good book, and watching a good flick.

Mary Allison Joseph, Director of Operations

Mary Allison joined Trinity in 2021 as our Director of Operations, overseeing all aspects of day-to-day operations in addition to partnering with the Senior Pastor to accomplish Trinity’s mission and to develop and promote our discipleship process, culture, values, and team-based environment. Mary Allison also runs Trinity’s communications, and as of 2024, she leads the Young Adult Ministry. Mary Allison’s Methodist upbringing first shaped her understanding of justice and of every person’s responsibility to all of humanity. She has an M.A. in Theatre and lived in Latin America for nearly a decade before moving to Kansas City. A language nerd, she is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese.

Tiago Donato, Production Coordinator

Tiago joined Trinity in 2021 as our Production Coordinator! In this role, he oversees the livestream team and works with our Worship Coordinator and musicians on Sunday mornings, in addition to advising Trinity on audio and video technology. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tiago has expertise in communications, particularly video, and his professional career spans nonprofit journalism, localization, and technical writing. For fun, Tiago likes to ride a bike, to read and to tinker, but not all at once.

Samaiyah Crawford, Assistant Production Coordinator

Samaiyah is a senior at Lincoln Prep and is currently doing a summer internship at BLK + BRWN bookstore.

Allen Edwards, Worship Coordinator

Allen joined Trinity in March of 2024 as our Worship Coordinator! Previously, Allen served as the Prayer Associate for the Unity Prayer Ministry and as the Parson of the Wilderness Church in Silver Dollar City. Originally from Central Missouri, Allen’s education includes his music degree through Central Methodist/Fayette---and his seminary degree from Saint Paul School of Theology in KC. Allen welcomes one and all to see what's possible.

Alba Artiaga, Facilities Manager

Alba joined Trinity’s team in May of 2023! Alba is from Honduras and has lived in Kansas City for 24 years. She loves drinking her "cafecito" (coffee), cooking, and listening to Christian music, and she gets up very early each day to study the Bible. Alba’s contributions keep Trinity’s church building spick, span, and welcoming!

Carol Schalla, Sexton

Carol has been attending Trinity and serving on the Gilmore Meal Team since 2014, and she joined the Trinity staff team in 2019. Originally from Trenton, NJ, Carol grew up singing in high school choirs and has used her voice in the Trinity choir throughout the years. A big time movie buff, Carol loves horror and sci-fi. Nowadays, Carol considers herself a cat lady, but in the past, she’s been known to have a menagerie of pets including snakes, guinea pigs, rabbits, and a pot belly pig.